GRAMMAR SLAMMER--Slam your Grammar Agony with The Program that answers the questions the Grammar Checkers can't Word Pro Edition GRAMMAR SLAMMER answers those questions that the Grammar Checkers can't! GRAMMAR SLAMMER helps you in your writing and grammar the simplest way known to Windows® Word Processor users. Grammar Checkers are helpful, but they are limited. They miss things and often ask you questions you can't answer. ("Do you want a comma here?"--"How should I know?" you reply.) Disk-based grammar books can help, but they are cumbersome to use. GRAMMAR SLAMMER, on the other hand, supplements the Grammar Checker by providing answers in a format that you already know how to use--the Windows Help File! One click on a Word Processor script and it pops up, ready to go! No office or computer which depends on word processors should be without it! How to Install the Grammar Slammer Word Pro for Windows Script The script you need to run Grammar Slammer from Word Pro for Windows (any version which uses scripts) is GDWPRO.LWP. You may want to use the script GDWPROMN.LWP if you want to autoload GRAMMAR SLAMMER and run it from a minimized Windows Icon. You may want to use the script GDWPROKY.LWP if you want to get GRAMMAR SLAMMER from a "hot key." You may want to read the script to insure that it will read GRAMMAR SLAMMER from correct directory. The script has GRAMMAR SLAMMER in the directory C:\GRAMSLAM. If you have GRAMMAR SLAMMER (GRAMDEMO.HLP) in a directory other than C:\GRAMSLAM, change C:\GRAMSLAM in the script file to the proper directory and/or drive. Do this by editing the script in the Script Editor ("Edit|Scripts and macros|Show Script Editor"). For some, it may be easier simply to create a C:\GRAMSLAM directory and copy GRAMDEMO.HLP to that directory. Copy GDWPRO.LWP, GDWPROKY.LWP, GDMENU.LWP, GDMNUKY.LWP and GDWPROMN.LWP to the Word Pro directory in which all your Scripts are stored. (For most systems that would be C:\Lotus\WordPro\Scripts). To Run GRAMMAR SLAMMER you have six choices: 1) Run it from the "Run script" routine from the menu, 2) Add it to the Word Pro Menu and then click on the menu choice when you want to run it, 3) Add the GSWPRO.BMP to the toolbar and then click on the Grammar Slammer icon when you want it to appear, 4) Assign a "shortcut key" to the GRAMMAR SLAMMER script and use that key combination to get GRAMMAR SLAMMER to run, 5) Run it from a minimized icon which loads each time you run Word Pro or a specific Word Pro document or style, or 6) Run it from a regular Windows icon in one of the Program Manager Windows. Running GRAMMAR SLAMMER from the "Run script" Menu Click on the "Edit" menu choice. Then click on the "Scripts & Macros" menu choice. Then click on the "Run script" menu choice. A dialog box appears with a list of all the Word Pro scripts in the script directory. (All the names end with ".LWP"). Click on or enter the file name "GDWPRO.LWP", then click on the "OK" button. Installing GRAMMAR SLAMMER to the Word Pro Menu To add Grammar Slammer to the Word pro Menu, add one of two Script files to the Startup Selections. Choose the "Edit" menu, then "Scripts & Macros," and then "Set Startup Scripts." Use either the "Browse" button or manually enter the name of the GDMENU.LWP script file or the GDMNUKY.LWP script file. Close and Click OK. The GDMENU.LWP file adds the Grammar Slammer program to the "Edit" menu with the other tools (spell checker, etc.) The GDMNUKY.LWP file also adds Grammar Slammer to the "Edit" menu and additionally adds the Keystroke Combination Ctrl+Alt+G as a shortcut key to call up Grammar Slammer. You may choose either; do not choose both, as the last one you load will be the one that will work. After this, whenever you load Word Pro, this script command will be loaded with it, and the "Edit" menu will include a choice for "Grammar Slammer." Additionally, if you chose the GDMNUKY.LWP script, you may use the Ctrl+Alt+G shortcut key combination (hold the Ctrl and Alt keys down and press G) for Grammar Slammer. Installing GRAMMAR SLAMMER to the Word Pro Toolbar Make sure the file GSWPRO.BMP is installed in your main Word Pro Icons directory (normally C:\Lotus\WordPRO\Icons). Choose "File," then "User Setup", then "Smarticon Setup" menu. Click the "Edit" button. Scroll through the icons and click on the icon you want. The usual Grammar Slammer icon is an open book with an exclamation point with a "G" on it. It should be labeled. Click on "Attach Script" button. Choose the GDWPRO.LWP script to attach to the icon. Click on "Open." You may also enter a description is none is there. Click on "Save." To then add the smarticon to the toolbar, drag it to the point on the toolbar in the dialog box that you want the button to appear. (We recommend associating it with the "Text" bar since you will normally need it when using writing text.") Then Click on "Close" and "OK." Now simply click on the Grammar Slammer icon which should appear in the position in the toolbar you assigned it. When you click, Grammar Slammer will appear. Assigning a Shortcut Key to the GRAMMAR SLAMMER script You may also open GRAMMAR SLAMMER from a keyboard command ("hot key")in Word Pro. Choose the "Edit" menu, then "Scripts & Macros," and then "Set Startup Scripts." Use either the "Browse" button or manually enter the name of the GDWPROKY.LWP script file. Close and Click OK. After this, whenever you load Word Pro, this script command will be loaded with it. Whenever you want to open GRAMMAR SLAMMER, all you have to do is Hold the Ctrl and Alt keys down and press the G key (G for Grammar) and GRAMMAR SLAMMER will open. (To put it another way, the hot key or keyboard command for opening GRAMMAR SLAMMER is Ctrl+Alt+G.) See the "Installing GRAMMAR SLAMMER to the Word Pro Menu" section above on installing the script that adds BOTH a Grammar Slammer selection and the Shortcut Key. Adding GRAMMAR SLAMMER to the Windows Program Manager If you want to be able to run GRAMMAR SLAMMER from a Window apart from the Word Processor script command, you must install the program into your Windows Program Manager. Click once on any program in the Window you want to place GRAMMAR SLAMMER in. Click on the "File" Menu Option then the "New" Menu Option. Now a dialog box appears. Fill in the "Program Name" box with the name of the program, i.e. "Grammar Slammer Demo." For the "Command Line" box write in "WinHelp.exe C:\GRAMSLAM\GRAMSLAM.HLP." (Do not add the quotation marks or final period. Name the correct directory if you installed GRAMSLAM.HLP in a directory other than C:\GRAMSLAM.) The Working directory is "C:\GRAMSLAM" unless you installed the program in another directory. Add a "Short Key" only if you want. Then click on the "OK" button. The program is now installed in the Window with the standard Question Mark as an icon. For a more elegant icon, install the GRAMSLAM.ICO file in either the same directory as GRAMMAR SLAMMER or the directory where you keep your icons. Click on the "File" Menu Option, then the "Properties" option. This brings up a dialog box with a number of buttons including on which says "Change Icon." Click on that button and add the directory and filename of the GRAMSLAM.ICO file--for example "C:\GRAMSLAM\GRAMSLAM.ICO," or whatever directory you put the GRAMSLAM.ICO file in. Click on "OK" and now the regular GRAMMAR SLAMMER icon is in place in a Window. Double click on the icon to run the program. In Windows 95, Click on the "Start" button then "Settings" and "Taskbar." Click on the "Start Menu Programs" tab and then the "Add" button. You will get a dialog box asking for a command line. Write in "WinHelp.exe c:\gramslam\gramdemo.hlp" (This may vary depending on the directory or drive you copied GRAMDEMO.HLP to). Click "Next" and you will get a list of the Programs as they appear when click the Start button. Click on the Folder where you want to place Grammar Slammer ("Select Folder to Place Startup Icon in"). We recommend "Word Pro" or "Lotus Applications" since those already exist. You may also put it in the "Startup" folder (choose the "Run Minimized" property) and it will load each time you run Windows 95. After choosing the folder, click "Next" and write in the name you want to appear--we recommend "Grammar Slammer" (amazingly enough!). Click "Finish." To change the icon in Windows 95, when you to the "Start Menu Programs" tab, click on the "Advanced" button. Choose the folder where you put GRAMMAR SLAMMER and then highlight the GRAMMAR SLAMMER entry. Click the RIGHT mouse button and a menu will appear. Choose "Properties" then the "Shortcut" tab. Click on the "Change Icon" button and enter in the folder and name or choose the "Browse" button to enter the icon you want. The icon GRAMSLAM.ICO contains the standard icon for GRAMMAR SLAMMER. After choosing the icon (the dialog box shows you what it looks like), Click "OK", "OK" again, close the Windows Explorer Window, and click "OK" again. Running GRAMMAR SLAMMER from a Windows Icon within Word Pro You may also run GRAMMAR SLAMMER from a minimized Windows icon in Word Pro. You can setup Word Pro so that GRAMMAR SLAMMER automatically loads each time you run Word Pro. Choose the "Edit" menu, then "Scripts & Macros," and then "Set Startup Scripts." Use either the "Browse" button or manually enter the name of the GDWPROMN.LWP script file. Close and Click OK. The next time you load Word Pro, GRAMMAR SLAMMER will load, too, and then leave a minimized icon. Click (Win 95) or Double-click (Win 3.x)on the icon at any time to open the GRAMMAR SLAMMER file. Follow similar procedures according to your Word Pro Operating Manual or Help File if you want to have Word Pro load this way with a certain file, file type, template, or style. Use GDWPROMN.LWP. Notices The instructions given may vary slightly with some editions of Word Pro for Windows. Check your Word Pro Operating Manual or Help Files if the descriptions and directions in this file are not sufficient. This was created on Word Pro 96 for Windows 95 but should work on Windows 3.x version of Word Pro as well. The script language can be imported into any application of Lotus Smart Suite. The instructions given may also vary slightly with some editions of Windows. Check your Windows Operating Manual or Help Files if the descriptions and directions in this file are not sufficient. GRAMMAR SLAMMER is copyright ©1996 by James Bair, P.O. Box 203, Shelton CT 06484 USA, All rights reserved. It is not Public Domain, though it may normally be distributed without charge for a trial period of 30 days. Word Pro, Word Pro for Windows, and Smarticons are registered trademarks of the Lotus Development Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. Use of these terms does not suggest review or endorsement of GRAMMAR SLAMMER by these corporations. This GRAMMAR SLAMMER demo file may be distributed freely without charge if and only if all files are kept together and are unaltered. That includes the GRAMDEMO.HLP file, this GSWPRO.TXT file, the .LWP files, GSWPRO.BMP, and the GRAMSLAM.ICO file. Bona fide shareware dealers may charge a nominal fee for the copying of files. Any commercial distribution without permission of the author is prohibited. That includes any retail point-of-purchase sale of shareware or public domain software except at bona fide computer stores where the shareware concept is clearly understood. (Permission is normally granted, please just ask.) See the VENDOR.TXT file for specific details concerning distribution. This program may be registered with the author. You will get the latest version with all scripts as appropriate, installable from Windows for $25. Master Card and Visa Accepted. CompuServe ID 70730,3001. CompuServe members may purchase this via GO SWREG, get product # 8959. Internet address is World Wide Web site is Click on "Order Form" on the pop-up menu for more information. ***************************************************************** ORDER FORM Grammar Slammer James Bair P.O. Box 203 Shelton CT 06484-0203 USA Name_________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ City_______________State/Province_____________Zip____________ Country______________________________________________________ Name of Windows Word Processor(s) used_______________________ Where did you find out about Grammar Slammer?________________ Please send me the complete, latest Grammar Slammer on ___3.5" ____5.25" Windows diskettes. Number Price Total _____ Grammar Slammer $25.00 _____ _____ Language Slammer $35.00 _____ (includes Spelling--due Dec. 1996)_______ Shipping _____ _______ Total Enclosed _____ Check or money order in U.S. funds on U.S. bank only, please. Canada or Mexico orders add $3.00 shipping. Other non-U.S.A. countries add $5.00. CompuServe members may register via GO SWREG; get product number 8959. Contact author for reasonable site license terms. MasterCard or Visa orders accepted. MasterCard/Visa Card Number__________________________________ Expiration Date____________ Authorized Signature_____________ Thank you for your order! Author may be reached at above address or CompuServe 70730,3001 or Internet Web page is ©Copyright 1996, James Bair, All rights reserved